Thursday, November 21, 2013

Journey to the North! Part One: Chiang Mai, Pai, Chiang Rai

Greetings! This blog is once again written from an internet cafe in the concrete jungle of Bangkok. Guy and I had a successful journey to the north, up through Chiang Mai, Pai, and Chiang Rai in Thailand, then onward through Laos. Today we're recovering from our overnight trip from Vientiane, Laos to Bangkok --12 hours on a cheap, uncomfortable bus. We're hoping to go to the southern islands tonight on another, better, bus.

Back in Kanchanaburi, this is the bridge over the River Kwai (like the movie!), so I whistled the song as we walked over the bridge at sunset. 

Also Kanchanaburi, this was a notable mushroom salad from the night market. 3 types for 30 baht, 5 types for 35 baht. Delicious! And also an example of the street-kitchens we find throughout cities and markets.

Fast forward to the coolest thing in Chiang Mai: the Museum of World Insects and Natural Wonders. This was an incredible private collection of a lifetime's work collecting and researching insects and nature in Thailand and around the world. A husband and wife began researching, identifying, and collecting mosquitoes about 60 years ago.  Rama Rattanarithiku (the woman) became one of the world's leading researchers on mosquitoes and the spread of malaria, and today she maintains the museum. Check out this story in the NY Times. There are thousands of insects, stones, and other artifacts all around the museum. We were lucky enough to talk to Dr. Rattanarithiku for a bit about her research! At 74 she is ready to retire any day now.

Museum of World Insects and Natural Wonders, Chiang Mai

A temple in Chiang Mai

A temple in Chiang Mai

Motorcycle cat in Chiang Mai

View of Chiang Mai while biking up the mountain of Doi Suthep 

Wat Phrathat Doi Suthep, a temple on top of a mountain towering over the city of Chiang Mai

Wat Phrathat Doi Suthep, Chiang Mai

Wat Phrathat Doi Suthep, Chiang Mai

Even in the tallest temples you can find cats. Wat Phrathat Doi Suthep, Chiang Mai

Biking down from Doi Suthep

A completely delicious meal at ImmAim restaurant in Chiang Mai. Guy's diving into my Tom Kha Thi - Banana stalk soup with shallots and vegetables in coconut milk. We started talking to our waiter, and owner of the restaurant, about music and it turns out he listens to Seattle's KEXP! He gets most of his music recommendations using KEXP videos on youtube. What a small world, and so cool to come from a place that nurtures great music.

Pro laundry service --everything, down to each pair of underwear, was folded and crisp. Chiang Mai

Arriving in Pai! A beautiful outdoorsy-hippie town to the northwest of Chiang Mai. The town is in a valley surrounded by farms, mountains, and waterfalls. We were only there a few days though we could have stayed much longer.

Good Life, a very down to earth restaurant featuring a lengthy tea menu, home-brew kombucha and kefir, a small library with cushions to relax upon, and walls lined with live wheatgrass. It was a little slice of Bellingham/PNW hippie-ness across the world! Pai, Thailand.

We went on our best hike yet through the forest to a waterfall. The trail crossed back and forth over a river, and the temperature and jungle were awesome. At the end we met a couple new friends, Sven and Ollie, two butchers on vacation from Germany -- I thought this was awesome because there's a pizza restaurant in Grand Marais, MN named Sven & Ollie's, so I told them they should visit. 

Looking up in our bungalow in Pai.

Using bamboo as a planter shelving unit! At Tacome Pai organic farm.
It's amazing how many innovative creations people can make using bamboo. We've seen spoons, bowl/plates, cups, rafts, houses, supports for young trees, rafts, and the list goes on and on.

The rice field bungalow, Tacome Pai Organic Farm, Pai. Where we slept a night at the farm :)

Another view from the rice field bungalow, Tacome Pai Organic Farm, Pai

Guy exits the rice field bungalow, calculus problems in hand.

Good conversation with our friend Markus from Germany. We're about to take Wheatgrass shots, with a green tea chaser at the Good Life restaurant, Pai.

Tea sampling at a tea shop in Chiang Rai. Sooo many types of great Oolongs!

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