Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Day 1

Sawadee kah! Sawadee krop! (hello for women, then men) 

We arrived in Thailand late last night and hopped into a Taxi that carried us straight to our hotel.  The view of Bangkok is awesome -- we're in the heart of the sky-scraper downtown center. Today was a day to walk the streets, get some initial shopping out of the way, and gain a sense of being absolutely independent in this foreign land. This is most definitely the shopping hotspot of Bangkok with at least three multi-level shopping centers & malls within a mile of our hotel (including the 6th largest mall in the world). Not a bad location to get some initial supplies into our bags, although a bit interesting to find so many American stores. I bought a cheap cell phone & SIM card and we both bought some toiletries. Every person we meet is very patient and kind. The more effort we put into learning and speaking Thai with people, the more enthusiastic they are to speak with us. :)

Highlights of the day! There are two moments of Thailand-first impressions that kindled our excitement for the rest of our time here. First meal! ahhh we came across a great indoor food court (top floor of the Big C supercenter) and found a delicious spread of entrees. Guy got jungle curry soup and I bought a plate of 'Morning glory' cooked veggies with some sauce. With our drinks, the cost for each of our meals was 100 baht, about $3.50! Great food for a great price.mmm

After lunch we ventured into a relaxation spa where we got leg-foot-head massages. An hour of bliss and a little deep-tissue pain. It definitely felt amazing after the flight.


Enjoying our first Thai meal, Bangkok
 Some apartments juxtaposed with tall hotel & business buildings, Bangkok

 Carolyn in the swimming pool with a sweet view of city, Bangkok

Downtown traffic in Bangkok, the sky is cloudy and holding in the warm, humid air

1 comment:

  1. Looks amazing. can wait to read about your adventures. Aunt Becky. :)
